Balayage Salon: What To Do After Balayage?

You have visited a Balayage salon and got your hair done, and you like it, so you want the style to last for as long as possible. What to do after balayage to make it possible? You wonder. To help you out, here are 6 things you should do to maintain your balayage hair:

Avoid washing your hair daily.

As much as you want clean hair, you shouldn’t wash it daily as so will get rid of moisture and color from the hair fibers. Removing the hair color will result in you having to redo your hair.

On the other hand, removing moisture results in dry hair that breaks easily and falls out. For best results, wash your hair every 48-72 hours.

Be cautious when using heating tools.

The curling, flat irons, hairdryers, and other heating tools make it easy to play around with different hairstyles. Unfortunately, they damage the balagaye color. The good news is you can protect your hair from heat damage using coconut oil that comes in handy at protecting the ends and lengths of the hair.

You can also protect your hair from excessive damage by minimizing the number of times you use the heating tools. As a rule of thumb, only use the tools twice a week.

Avoid pool or seawater.

You should avoid your bathroom water and exposing your hair to the pool or seawater.

If you have to get to the pool or swim on the beach, protect your hair with a swim cap that will protect the hair from the chlorine known to degrade the balayage hair color. If the hair accidentally contacts the pool or seawater, rinse it with tap water or apply micellar water, so the hair doesn’t dry out too much and lose its color.

Besides protecting the hair from the chlorinated water, you also should protect it from the pool and beach sun and heat. When going to the beach, don a hat or scarf to prevent the hair from being exposed to the harsh sun rays for a long time.

Use the right shampoo and conditioner.

It’s good to apply shampoo and conditioner when cleaning your hair, but you should be cautious of the one you use. As a rule of thumb, avoid any product with sulfates as they are known to remove the color from hair fiber.

If you want your balayage hair to last for a long time, use chemical-free conditioners and shampoos that won’t damage your bleached hair or remove the hair color. As you are shopping, look out for the sulfate-free message.

You don’t want your hair turning chicken yellow or orange, do you? To ensure this doesn’t happen, use a purple shampoo that will prevent your hair from getting damaged.

For best results, use purple shampoo 2-3 times a week.

Refresh your balayage on occasion

To keep your balayage fresh, make it a habit to visit your salon every four months. If you have been taking good care of your hair, the stylists will simply be tweaking the hair every visit to get it moved up or keep the color fresh.

For example, the stylists might do baby foils or microfoils around the hairline. Sometimes they might do a stretch foil to give your balayage blonde Rockville a grown-out effect.

Give your hair weekly treatments.

At least once a week, treat your hair, preferably with natural products such as almond oil. To treat the hair, rinse your hair with hot water to open the cuticles, then put the oil in and let it sit for as long as you possibly can.

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